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December 2024
A Blast from The Vital Link’s Past
We’ve uncovered a fascinating piece of history—our very first edition from 1977–78! With help from long-time reader Barbara Evans and original artist Neville Weaver, we’ve delved into the origins of The Vital Link, including the story behind our iconic logo.
Curious to learn more about this nostalgic journey and what might be making a comeback in future issues? Click here to read the full story!
November 2024
Vital Link - The Podcast?!
Well, this is a particularly fresh take on local stories!
With the help of some clever AI and computer wizardry that in truth we don't REALLY understand, we've managed to create a podcast where two virtual voices chat about everything, from the Vital Link to Neen Savage.
It’s admittedly a bit patchy on some of the details (for example, the Atlantis article they mention was written by the brilliant Gill Guest!), but it gives a fun and techy twist on what makes Neen Savage and the Vital Link tick.
Simply click below to hear the podcast in all its glory!